Tuesday 28 February 2012

Change Agent, the Agricultural Professionals

       Agriculture professionals, especially in agrarian country have lots to do and influence the farming communities of the country.
     Professional, on graduation takes several opportunities for leading their lives in the agriculture sector through pre-defined aims and objective of the state department or employers.
       Agricultural professional performs the job of technology transfer from lab to land and help flourish the farming communities through successful adoption of new technical know how for better crop production.
     They are to take the roles to observe supervise and give technical knowledge to the farming communities.
       In every profession, professionals often take a joy in fulfilling their desire to showcase their hidden goal to the public and feel self accomplished, if the goal or objective is cherished one.
       Of course, once the professional comes under the control of state department or some other organization, they are guided by the per-defined objectives of that department or organizations.
        Even, within the pre-defined objectives, professionals have the chance to showcase their mettle in achieving the desired objective. In the circumstances, the professional can also have freedom to explore their acquired knowledge to the benefit of the farming communities.
       The vast population and economy is depending on the Agriculture and allied sector, these sectors offers vast scope to work for and bring positive changes in the rural environment.
       Agricultural professionals have the opportunity to interact with the rural farming communities and influence this vast population in the progressive growth tract thereby bring sea change in socio-economic condition through successful agricultural farming.
       Agricultural graduates, if devotes their professionalism to the field level or other grass root level for mass movement in bringing changes for pre-defined objectives which would ultimately bring prosperity to the vast population in the rural areas of the state and country.
       Change can happen, change can take place, when change agent, the agricultural professional genuinely feel the problems and guides the rural population of the state.
       Now, with the multi pronged objectives of the Government to reach the grass root level through development of road communication, re-organization of administrative set up, it has become very easy to reach the rural folk which otherwise would have been difficult due to various reasons.
       Agricultural professionals certainly have the edge over others to show their innate understanding and co-relate with their academic career with real practical experience.
       This time, the professionals have much more jobs to do in the field for bringing the positive result in otherwise stagnant rural areas of the state by improving the agriculture, the primary sector.
                                         Agritangkol dated 18.02.2012 at 05.30 P.M

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